Thank you!!!!
If you have been by the Community Building lately, you should have noticed the landscaping work and how it has improved the appearance of the building. David and Susan Peebles provided a truck to get 3 loads of stone and delivered them to the parking lot. Ken Miller provided a skid loader to move the stone and Charles Hunt drove the loader and distributed the stone. Chris Francis, Dave Richards, Larry and Diane Wente manned rakes and shovels and smoothed it out. Rod Finch, Ed Bailey have been mowing the park and around the the Community Building. Tim Devore and his son, Zach have been spotted mowing around the tennis courts. Mike Schemenauer, Evan Hedrick, and the Devores have also mowed around the softball field.
All of this work has been accomplished with a cost of about $600 for the materials only. David and Susan Peebles have been replacing the boards on the merry go round at the park. Four of the six boards have been replaced and painted. That work will be finished soon. Please consider helping during this difficult time.
Heard About Town
With the Corona-virus pandemic it has been an unusual start to the spring season. As usual, the true spirit of the people of our community shows through. I personally have had five different residents pick up supplies so we did not have to go out. People are going out of their way to help others. You may have heard a loud parade of about 10 cars going past the Jack residence welcoming Chuck back from a 5 day stay at the hospital. With all of the people staying home they have time on their hands and I don't believe I have ever seen the town looking so good. Yards and flower beds are really getting a lot of attention. The Community Building is not being rented and the Lions Club is not meeting at the this time. The new restrictions will allow for groups of up to 25 to meet. This is close to a number that might make the building available. Metro-Schools will continue, for two more weeks, to distribute meals to any children under the age of 18. They are in a school bus in front of the Super Store on Monday and Wednesday at noon. you must register at the Metro website so they know how many meals to bring
First Responders
The members of the local volunteer fire department are the first to respond to any emergency here in the area. We want them to know how much we appreciate their efforts. We currently have 9 members of the Somerset Branch of the Converse Volunteer Fire Department. They are as follows: Josh Fennell, Darin Hadley, Dave Howard, Charles Hunt, Corey McIntire, Mike Ruse, Lowell Shelton, Brian Thompson, and Brian Warren. When you see any of these men please thank them. Lowell says we could use more members. Contact him at 260-571-0070 if you might be interested.
Town Board News
The Board will meet on Monday, May 11 at 7:00 PM at the Community Building. Our income has really dropped. Recycle prices are very low and we cannot rent the building under present guidelines. We are trying to clean the park by raking the leaves and getting them vacuumed up and new pea gravel applied. The north side of the building needs a power wash. The flag has a solar light that needs to be installed and a new flag purchased. You can help with the physical labor or a financial donation to the S.R.D.C or the Community Foundation Fund. If you can help with any of these projects call Derek Finch at 574-371-7676. Thank you!!!
Thank You Again!!!
The work continues at the Community Building/ Park, this last Monday Brian Thomas brought his leaf vacuum to remove a mountain of leaves. Dave Richards, Boots Jack, Dave Murphy, Rod Finch, Ed Bailey and Larry Wented raked the leaves away from the fence and Brian made them disappear! Dave and Susan Peebles finished the boards on the merry go around and it was greased so it is finished. On Wednesday Dan Henderson brought his power washer over and cleaned the north side of the building and it really looks great. Dan also got us a new American Flag through the American Legion.
Some other projects we need help for would include removal of stumps in the park. After he stumps are removed we can get some pea gravel to finish the park surface. We also need to brace the structures, in the southeast corner, with boards. There is a strip of grass in the ditch on the west side of the building that needs to be string trimmed due to how steep the slope is. 15 minute job - anyone? Anyone?
Heard About Town
We have a new resident here on Seminole Court. Bruce Winter purchased the former Joan Young property - Lot # 33. We welcome him to our community. Lisa Rankin, who lives on White's Drive is offering to cut hair. Lisa is a licensed beautician and you can contact her at 260-571-3593 to make arrangements.
Weird Weather
The strange weather continues as the months of January, February, and March were 7.8, 1.5 and 3.1 degrees above average. While April and May were 3.0 and 7.7 degrees below average. Rainfall on this date in 2019 was 15.06 inches and in 2020 was 11.84.
Town Board News (2)
The Board met on May 11th at the Community Building. the following were present; Derek Finch, Jay Driskill, Gary DeGrandchamp, Von Moore, Susan Peebles, Larry Wente, and Mike Ruse (Waltz Township Trustee). Minutes of the last meeting were distributed, reviewed, and approved
Gary DeGrandchamp presented the Treasurers report. Currently we have $46, 471.56 in the savings account and $1,875.40 in the checking account. The Community Foundation low risk fund has a balance of $6,800. This gives us a balance of $55,226.96. The report was approved.
After much discussion the Board voted to distribute the balance of $55,226.96 as follows
Checking/Savings $20,000
High Risk Fund $14,173.48
Medium Risk Fund $14,173.48
Low Risk Fund $6,800.00
Black Sheep Events & Design is the company that is developing our website. Susan Peebles is coordinating with them as she presented a preview of our web page. The web page is 80% completed are we are reviewing and revising the materials. The website will allow people to rent the building, see ongoing projects, see our story, and see a photo gallery of what is available in Somerset and the surrounding area. I was extremely pleased with the web page and when it is finished I think you will want to look at it.
With Covid 19 pandemic, we have not been able to rent the building and we have virtually no income. That is why we are asking community residents to volunteer to help with the projects. If you can't physically help, donations are gratefully accepted. Donations can be made to the SRCD (not tax deductible) or to the Somerset Preservation Fund (tax deductible).